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作为先验主体性哲学或“严格贯彻的唯我论”哲学的倡导者,叔本华、胡塞尔、维特根斯坦和海德格尔等人一方面强调世界及其中的对象与它们通过主体被给予的方式的内在关联,另一方面又强调:第一,不能将主体的存在方式与客体混为一谈,不能把主体与客体看成两个相互并列的实体;第二,不能将对世界起构造作用的先验主体与作为被构造世界的一部分的经验主体混为一谈,否则就会导致“作为世界的一部分的经验主体同时又是整个世界的前提条件的悖论”。主体与客体及先验主体与经验主体之间的这种关系类似于眼睛与其视野中的对象及起观看作用的眼睛与被看见的眼睛之间的关系,以上每一对关系中的前者与后者的根本区别集中体现为:如果后者是可见的,那么,作为其可见性的前提的前者则具有不可见性。 Schopenhauer, Husserl, Wittgenstein, and Heidegger, as advocates of the transcendental subjectivity philosophy or the “strictly individualist” philosophy, emphasize the world and its objects through them On the other hand, it emphasizes: First, we can not confuse the subject’s existence with the object, and can not regard the subject and the object as two mutually parallel entities. Second, we can not treat the world as a whole The transcendental subject of tectonic activity is confused with the empirical subject as part of the constructed world which would otherwise lead to a “paradox” of the subject of experience as part of the world and simultaneously the precondition of the entire world. The relationship between the subject and the object and the transcendental subject and the subject of experience is similar to the relationship between the subject and the subject in his field of vision and the viewer’s eye and the seeing eye. The fundamental difference between the two is that if the latter is visible, then the former, as a prerequisite for its visibility, is invisible.
汕头市宏韵声光科技有限公司在广州东方宾馆举办AudioSolutions(音乐卫士)产品发布会。音乐卫士是音响工程师Gediminas Gaidelis于2010年在立陶宛首都威尔斯创立。Gediminas
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